Thursday, March 19, 2015

Grid Art Project

For my grid art poster I created the Philadelphia Flyers Logo.  In order to make this I used Tootsie Rolls as the main color for the black section, marshmallows as the white border, and an orange peel as the center of the P.  First I drew the grid on the poster in order to align and center the design.  Then I laid out the materials to get a sense of how it would look before gluing everything down.

I chose the Flyers logo because I am a huge hockey fan and supporter of all Philadelphia sports teams.  I enjoyed this project as I'm not really an artistic person but this was pretty fun to make something out of different objects.

Image result for flyers

1 comment:

  1. I think it is both amazing and gross that the tootsie pops didn't need any glue.
